Monday, May 23, 2011


Okay, okay, I know in my last post I'd wrote this long explanation of why my blog title, "And now these words from our sponsor..." was fitting, sort of. But to be perfectly honest with you, I never quite felt like that was what I was looking for. Besides, isn't it a woman's prerogative to change her mind? ;)

A few days ago a friend posted a link to his blog. I bemusedly read his recent entry and then I had one of those light bulb moments. Or more commonly known these days as a "headdesk", whereupon the individual bangs their head repeatedly on the desk all the while repeating the mantra, "DUH!!!!" The posting itself, although very interesting, had absolutely nothing to do with this epiphany, but rather his blog title,

In the world of forums and geocaching and other such interesting geek activities that I enjoy taking part in, I am known as Just Ducky, or Ducky for short. Only online mind you, not that I'd not mind being called Ducky as a nickname, after all it is my fondness for all things "duck" that brought about the moniker to begin with. Anyway, I digress, Dan, is known as DanOCan and I began thinking about that. I really quite like Just Ducky, it's not uncommon, but still clever enough and I think it suits me. So, after consideration, and some quick research, my new, and hopefully permanent, blog title was born.

I would like to formally welcome you to my blog,

"Well isn't that Just Ducky !!"

~ Shannon *Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ*